Vacation and Illness

Vacation and IllnessIf a full time (5-day) student is absent an entire week due to illness or vacation, Day Care will allow a 50% tuition discount for that week to ensure continued enrollment. This allowance may be taken up to two times per year.


1. Children showing signs of contagious illness may not come to school. This is for the protection on of your child as well as the other children. If you have to administer medication related to the presenting condition or illness, your child is probably not well enough to attend school.

2. Parents will be contacted to immediately pick up their child if an illness develops during school hours. If a parent cannot be contacted (all numbers called – home, work, cell, etc.) for a child’s illness, an emergency contact will be called to pick up the child. The ill child will be isolated from other children and supervised by a school staff member until the parent or emergency contact arrives. The child may not return to school until he or she is symptom-free 5 for at least 24 hours.

3. We do not administer any pain reliever, fever reducer or cough syrup! Emergency forms must be filled out for each child so that, in the event of an emergency we can contact a designated adult if a parent cannot be reached. Please include the contacts and cell phone numbers. Update as necessary.

4. A child will not be admitted to class if any of the following exists:1. The illness which prevents the child from participating comfortably in activities.2. A rash combined with a fever over 100° F (oral).3. Diarrhea.4. Vomiting two or more times in the previous 24 hours.

5. Purulent conjunctivitis or impetigo, until 24 hours after treatment has been initiated.

6. Strep throat, until 24 hours after treatment has been initiated, and until the child has been without fever for 24 hours.

7. Whooping cough, until 5 days of antibiotic treatment has been completed.

8. Mumps, until 9 days after onset of parotid gland swelling.

9. Measles, until 4 days after the disappearance of the rash.

10. Symptoms which may be indicative of any one of the serious, communicable diseases.

In case of injury or accident, in which 911 is not needed, but immediate professional care is required, the staff will contact the parents.

If parents are unavailable, those individuals designated as emergency contacts will be notified. Good Shepherd Catholic Day Care Center staff cannot transport children to a hospital or doctor’s office. Injured children will be transported for medical aid by parents or by calling 911 for an ambulance.

Children in the center are required to have a physical examination. This must be included in our health records.  Parents are advised to make alternate plans for care in the event that the child becomes ill and is not able to attend the center.

Dispensation on medication

“Good Shepherd” Day Care Center will administer medication (except for pain reliever and fever reducer) if the “Medical Request Form” is signed by a parent.

The medicine should be in its original container from the pharmacy with your child’s first and last name and dosage information clearly labeled.  Please, do not put any medications in a backpack.

Medications must be handed to a teacher with a signed form. The Care Center will maintain a record of the dates, times administered, dosages, prescription number, and the name of person administering the medication.